Trust me, I wish I were above this. I have this semi-childish obsession with someone who is nearly twice my age (he's 31...never would have guessed) and will most likely never meet me. But, alas, I am not above it. Eddie Redmayne is the actor who plays Marius, the young man who helps rebel against the government of France and falls in love with Cosette in the movie Les Miserables. I went to see this movie recently (I would recommend seeing it in theatres but make sure you use the bathroom beforehand...it is looong) and really enjoyed it.

This guy seriously seems amazing. I watched a couple of interviews with him and he seems quite down to earth and modest. He also looks pretty darn incredible.

Just something else to add: I'm quite proud to say that I'm not as obsessed with him as some of the people on pinterest are (see here: http://pinterest.com/cashmeremink/my-unhealthy-obsession-eddie-redmayne/)

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