Beginning when I saw him on SNL (he was pretty darn funny), I have thought that Bruno Mars is one attractive guy. I can’t say that I am particularly fond of his music, but I am in love with everything else about him. He has that sort of cute "bad boy" look and irresistible smile. And no matter how much I tried, I couldn’t find a picture of him posing shirtless which leads me to giving him some serious respect. There are not many singers out there whom I adore so Bruno is one of the special few.

Oh dear God I cannot believe I just wrote that last paragraph. But really, just look at that smile...

I wish girls knew what they are worth. There’s no need to wear spandex as pants to school (yes, I know it’s disturbing) in order for guys to be attracted to them. Not that I know very much about that topic. However, no matter who notices her and who simply walks right by, there is no need to degrade or even just stupidify (I realize that’s not a word) oneself for others. And this issue stretches far beyond spandex.

It seems to have become very important to dress like going to a club each and every school day. If you’re a girl: It’s okay if you wear a sweatshirt to school every once in awhile. People will not judge you and if they do, they seriously need to sort out their priorities (and I mean this in the kindest way possible).

A very common dress style at my high school is Bodycon (see the picture if you don't know what I'm talking about). This type of dress is incredibly short, often has a revealing back and highlights the rear and chest area in a skin-tight holding-nothing-back way. No matter why people wear it, this sort of clothing is not meant for school and if it were up to me, it wouldn't be meant for wearing, period. I support feeling confident in your shape and body but what I do not support is using it simply to please others. I mean really, do you seriously feel comfortable in that...let alone warm?

Oh gosh, and what’s worse than school is Facebook! The duck face shots and ever-so-carefully executed photos tilting downwards (to show the chest and flat stomach, common in swimsuit shots) are growing ever more prevalent. I can’t help but grimace whenever I see such a shot. It’s sad and nauseating. And what’s worse is that our culture has wholeheartedly accepted this behavior and clothing.

Please comment, I want to hear...or read...your thoughts.