I cheat. Yes, you read that correctly. I cheat...in school...on homework and tests. Trust me, I know it's morally wrong, and doesn't help me learn, and so on. My teachers have lectured my classes about it numerous times. And yet, it just seems to make me more careful about my cheating techniques. I know, I know, I'm such a bad student. What might surprise you though is that I'm on the honor role. In fact, I've been on the high honor role a few times. And no, I didn't get there simply by cheating. I mention this solely so that you think twice before assuming that all who cheat are failing at school (that's a common assumption at my school).

I'm not trying to give anyone ideas, but I do want people to understand the extent to which I cheat. Here they are the ways in which I cheat:

I use google translate in my foreign language class.

In my foreign language class, we must answer questions on an article handed out in class for homework. I find the articles online and use google translate to translate them.

I rarely read my book for my English homework. I use Sparknotes.

My math class has mini quizzes daily on the last night's homework. If I get stuck on something, I glance over at someone else's paper.

Last year (only on occasion) in my math class, the person who sat in front of me would hold their paper on a slant while checking over answers. I would look up and compare my answers with theirs.

In my history class, a portion of our tests are fill-in-the-blank. If I don't know one and I happen to be able to see someone else's test, I will look at it and if their answer sounds right, I will use it.

So, that's about it for now.

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