I am here to join the chorus of student groans about starting another school year. Put simply, I pretty strongly dislike school. I love some of my classes and teachers but other than that I dislike it. There is academic pressure, peer pressure, and pressure I put myself through. If that stress and pressure were to be kept neatly in the square box of a seven hour school day, I wouldn't look forward to school but I also wouldn't dread it.

Homework seems to be on the forefront of every teacher's mind. Homework is something that allows school to seep into almost every aspect of a student's life. No longer can we explore our backyards and converse with family and friends, but rather we are locked up in our rooms, desperate to complete hours worth of homework.

Now, don't get me wrong. I realize that homework can be vital for a student to get the most out of a subject. But too much can also drain a student. Students don't focus in class because they assume that they can just make up for it in the homework. Hours worth of homework can result in students not getting enough sleep and therefore making their brains foggy and unable to learn well the next morning.

I am not a student that thinks homework should be banned, but rather one that thinks it, and its connection to class, should be revolutionized....

I'll get back to you with ideas. 

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