I admit it. I have, do, and will like teachers. And not just in the sense of liking how they teach and all that basic stuff. I mean seriously liking them. So far, all of my teacher crushes have been male. They started in eighth grade but now that I think about it, I don't think I had any male teachers before that... But anyway, the first time I remember having these thoughts was in my eighth grade English class. My teacher was teaching like usual when I started picturing him naked (feel free to be creeped out). It was really weird because I didn't actually find him that attractive. He was in his mid thirties and pretty average looking. But I guess my mid-puberty mind just started to go exploring.

My freshman year in high school was a very intense year for teacher crushes. I was slightly interested in my science teacher but my most memorable crush was on my PE teacher. Oh my gosh was I obsessed with him (not outwardly...even I would have thought that was kind of weird). He was very muscular and strong and had one of the sweetest smiles ever. This teacher also really liked me (but not in the sense that I liked him...I don't think). Whenever we played games in the gym he would always call a foul if someone even just barely pushed me while letting me rather harshly push certain others and letting it escape his notice...I know, not fair. 

But anyways, I fantasized about said PE teacher rather often. I always imagined myself going into his office and sitting on his desk, my legs hanging off it. He would stand between my legs and begin to kiss my neck, moving his hands across my back, neck, and butt. Where my fantasy would go from there would depend on how adventurous I was feeling.

Sophomore year, my foreign language teacher was the one to catch my attention. He was seriously attractive and the one friend who I confided this information in agreed. He seemed to be the youngest of all of my crushes and was definitely the most sarcastic. However, his physical aspects were worth the interesting sense of humor. This foreign language teacher always dressed in a button-up collar neck shirt. Whenever I thought about him, I would start by imagining unbuttoning his shirt and going from there...

Since then, I haven't had very attractive male teachers. But if I begin to like one, rest assured; I will be sure to share :)

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