Although I have never successfully followed through with New Year's resolutions, I have never ceased trying again each year. So here it goes...

1. Study more...a lot more
      This is not to say that I do poorly in school. In fact, I am in three AP courses (only 2 next semester, I'm moving down in 1). But I just can't seem to stay afloat. I have an A- in one class (pretty good), a C+ in another (awful), and a C+ in the class that I will be moving down from. So, what better resolution to start off with than to study more?

2. Be less sarcastic
      This was a tough one to decide on. I hadn't thought that my sarcasm was much of an issue until I began to notice that a few people were beginning to describe me as "sassy". Even though Urban Dictionary defines it as a pretty darn positive thing to be 

(, I can't say that I'm exactly pleased to be considered "cocky" (used in the 4th definition).

3. Cook dinner on the weekends
      This is both a selfish and selfless (sort of) thing to resolve to do. Normally it is my mother who cooks. And her cooking leaves just a tad bit to be desired. I respect her for trying but it seems as if she has given up on cooking. She has also made it quite clear that she would like some help cooking dinners. So...I resolve to slide into the kitchen to do more than bake this year. 

4. Read
      I love to read. I just never seem to find the time to (that's what they all say...). I guess I'll just have to make the time then.

5. Begin to learn ASL
      A while back I tried to begin to learn American Sign Language. It never seemed to take off. I think I learned about ten words in addition to the alphabet. This year I resolve to learn more.

6. Take better care of my precious cat
      Don't get me wrong; compared to most people, I take outstanding care of my cat. She is fed consistently twice a day. She always has a clean litter box and a warm body to rub up against. However, I want to be able to provide what most people don't. I will brush her teeth more consistently (better dental health leads to a longer life) and also clean her ears more often (all cats' ears get pretty gross). 

7. Eat healthier      
      Most people don't think that I'm an unhealthy eater because I'm not overweight. I've been called skinny even though I have a nice and healthy BMI of 21.2 (a healthy BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9). But despite this good overall weight, I have a pretty awful diet. I adore pasta. Cookies are so sweet and delicious. Butter makes all (well, almost all) dishes better. Chocolate...don't get me started on chocolate. So, this year should be filled with vegetables and fruits, grains and protein (I'm a vegetarian so the last one will be moderately difficult).

Here's to a safe and productive new year!

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