You know those "smart" high school students? The ones that are in classes meant for students one or two grades above? I am one of those students. I would like to clear up some common misconceptions:

1. Even though people outside my friend group think I am exceptionally smart, I do not. This is because all of my friends are smarter than me (trust me, I've compared our recent PSAT scores). Because of this, I often feel subpar in school.

2. You think I get all As. I do not. I've never gotten lower than a B average in a class but I have still gotten my fair share of Bs.

3. Doing very well in a class does not guarantee a teacher will like you at all. I have noticed that a lot of teachers care so much more about how you interact with them and how much of a personality you have rather than simply your grade.

4. I still stress a lot about friendships. Us "smart kids" still have issues with each other.

I hope this clears some things up :)

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