If there is one hot topic that I am the most divided on, it is gun control. On one hand there are the people who say we must limit the access people have to guns. Think of the children! they say. On the other side there are those who never grow tired of referencing our amendments. It's our second amendment! It's unconstitutional to take away that right!

I see where both sides are coming from. We as a country do have the responsibility to protect the children. Are we really fulfilling our duty by allowing people to lug around assault weapons? Those are terrifying killing devices that cannot tell the difference a child and a criminal. And although the carrier can tell the difference, that has not always stopped them from shooting. Think of Sandy Hook Elementary. Recount the faces of the parents. From now on they will carry their child only in their memory. All of their hopes and dreams for their child are gone. Their child will never be able to grow, mature, or love. The children are gone. They are gone because a man was able to enter their school with a weapon and shoot them. In a country where this event is not just an idea but a recent reality, how can we even begin to defend our gun rights?

We don't just have the right to defend these rights, we have the responsibility to defend them. The right is in our Constitution. If we so willingly ignore that right, why can't we ignore the others? I mean, who actually values the freedom of speech or right to a fair trial? Yes, tragedies such as the Sandy Hook shooting happen. We must realize however that it was such a surprise because of how rarely such travesties occur.

Although I see reason behind both stances, I ultimately believe in some form of gun control. I could not look someone in the eye and tell them that we as United States citizens should have the right to whatever weapons we damn well like, especially after today's shooting. Today at least 13 people were killed in the Washington Navy Yard. Last year, 20 elementary school students and 6 teachers were killed in Newtown. Earlier that year in Colorado, 12 people were killed and 58 were injured at a showing of "Dark Night Rises". Enough is enough. People need the right to some arms but there must be limits. We must get over the fact that we are Americans. That title gives us citizens an ample amount of power but it should not give us the right to bear assault weapons.

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